Ottawa to Toronto at night
So, Chris and I left Ottawa at 9:30 at night, this guy was a complete basket case. I met him in Montreal at my very first couch surfing meet up. I thought he was insanely cute, but just assumed he was gay, so I didn't act on any emotions at first.
Later in the weekend, we went to a party and suddenly he gave me a really nice kiss. Then, we kissed the rest of the night, even at the late night poutine place. People told us to get a room.
On this particular weekend, I had asked him to drive me to Toronto. He had been in a deep depression, just spending all day in bed staring up at the ceiling. He agreed, but was afraid he wouldn't be able to do it.
On the night we drove to Toronto, we were talking about the brunch or whatever on Sunday and he was trying to back out of it, using his mental illness as an excuse. I expressed such sentiments, and he slammed on the brakes in the middle of the 401, angry because he said he can never plan anything with anyone and I shouldn't take it personal and he was mad at himself.
…. OK….
I expected to arrive in Toronto at the airport hotel at 2 a.m. ish. I had to be at breakfast at 8:30 a.m., so needless to say I was tired the next day for my super-intense brainstorming session.
Public relations is a strange industry. More on this tomorrow.
Anyway, on the way up, nothing really exciting or crazy happened. Travelling on the highway in the middle of the night was uneventful, except for a few swerving trucks and cars and negligible freezing rain, there was nothing but boredom on the highways of exurban Ottawa and Toronto to report.
We stopped for some drinks at about the middle, who knows where, and the gas station attendant was grumpy and seemed perturbed that I asked so many questions. Sorry for spending 45 dollars on gas and miscellaneous overpriced items, mister.
Anyway, I still don't know if Chris got to his friend's house alright. We are staying on opposite sides of the city, but it seemed like he knew where he was going. I hope they are having fun.