A Travellerspoint blog

Heng Shan and Hanging Monastery

View Nanchang 2017-2018 on baixing's travel map.

We booked a driver through the hostel downstairs from us and went to the Hanging Monastery and Heng Shan with him. I thought it wasn't really worth the trip because there are a ton of temples in the sides of cliffs that don't require a driver to see. The thing about this temple is that it sticks out and is balanced on wooden beams.

It started out cool, but then became really hot once the sun came out from behind the clouds. At Heng Shan, I didn't really feel much like hiking, but we went up to the main temples and it was alright.


Finally, I got the Shanxi noodles and found Jimmy again at the bottom of the hill. We had been texting all day, unable to meet up until the end of our trip.

When we got back to the hotel, Shylo got another place because the shower really sucked in ours. It was far away and I didn't feel like tromping around looking for another hotel, so I stayed put. I think Shylo felt bad about it, but I tried not to take it personally even though it stung a little bit.

I met up with Jimmy and his friend for some street snacks and mahjong. Something I had been trying to learn (and failing at) for a long time.

Posted by baixing 19:23 Archived in China Tagged datong

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