Day 24: Athens
06.01.2018 - 06.01.2018
Greece trip, 2018
on baixing's travel map.
Day 24: I was walking down the street in Psirri in Athens with a big package of dirty laundry, on my way to the laundromat early this morning. I am a tourist from Canada and I had a map sticking out of my left pocket of my jacket. A skinhead walked past me and made a kissy face at me. It was about 8 a.m. and I stared at him, very confused at this action. I looked behind me to make sure he kept going on his way. He didn't. He ran at full speed for about 10 metres, back at me and tried to grab my map out of my pocket. In the scuffle I fell down and started kicking him in the nuts as a knee-jerk reaction. I was so scared I peed my pants! My last pair of clean pants! I was so humiliated but I just kept kicking him. I was screaming and people started to come out of their houses. Finally he got my map and when he found it wasn't money, he threw it on the ground. Then, he grabbed my bag of laundry and threw it at my head, knocking my glasses off, because he was angry that he couldn't get any money from me. What a horrible experience! Fuck fascists.
I went home to the hostel and the owner was shocked. She made a police report for me and washed my clothes while I stayed in bed in my underwear and drank wine all day.
At night, I had a reservation for Cinque Wine Bar and so I went there and ate a lot of fish. Something was wrong with the fish however, and I instantly became sick. I didn't even have dessert or the last glass of wine paired with my dessert.
Well, shit. I had no idea about the skinhead attack. I am glad he got kicked in the balls, though he certainly deserved worse. Still, I am sorry that happened to you.
by Don aka Stan