A Travellerspoint blog


Good evening, I am writing to you from Highway 11 just outside of Syracuse, New York, Central Square to be exact. An insane amount of snow has just begun falling on us. In a split second we were completely unable to see anything two feet in front of us. We slowed down to a crawl and the police blocked off the entire highway with flares and we pulled off. The lady at the convenience store told us we had to get onto this highway, the same highway that everyone else was diverted to. We're going an average of about 30km/h...maybe less... we'll be in Ottawa tomorrow undoubtedly....I guess...

Stay tuned for my next adventure on Tuesday. I'm going to Boston, MA, for an Expedia meetup!

Chris in snow

Chris in snow

Me in snow

Me in snow



Slow traffic

Slow traffic

Posted by baixing 17:00 Archived in USA

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