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Dangkou Village


I was tired from all the running around the day before, so I just went one place. It was 1.75 hours away, and that was enough! The distance from town meant that it was not very crowded, so I liked that. But the boat ride felt a lot like "It's A Small World"...

Southeast of Wuxi there is a very Disneyfied water town (yeah, another one right?). Hopefully this can be one of the last few, but I doubt it. I'm tired of them and they are way better in Jiangxi. Anyways, I'm always tempted to just go see what's there so I'm sure I'll get sucked in again later. From the photos you can clearly see that there are not many barriers to people falling into the canals. I don't think this would be a good place to let your children run amok. Nonetheless, a three year old boy rammed smack into me at full speed. I wasn't looking in his direction and thought that maybe I ran into a dog. So, for a second I felt bad for the dog. I probably accidentally kicked him in the thigh a little too hard, he might have a bruise. The instant I realized it was an actual child, I looked around for his parents, and there they were, mad at me. OK, whatever, I just walked away flummoxed.

Just so you know, this bathroom is not for transgendered people. Only families!

I had a cruise included in my tourist card and they gave me a whole private boat to myself!

This whole village was being massively gentrified with a garish upscale boutique resort moving in. I watched them deliver a huge load of glass walls for the balconies. You have to walk past this huge wall just to get into the village and if you get on the wrong side of it watch out, it will take at least 15-20 minutes to go around.


This mural didn't fool me!

After I was bored of the village, I went back to town to see Hui Shan park. On the way there, a cyclist slammed right into my left ankle and left side of my face. It took me a while to get over the shock and another while to figure out that my teeth were OK. The cyclist apologized and I did too, but I think it was his fault. He was going way too fast on the divided street. I was just crossing the bike/scooter road. I had looked to my left and I didn't see him, he was going really fast. It was pretty awful. Anyways, I got to Huishan park after that and it was predictably crowded. I was not interested in staying there very long.

Posted by baixing 08:57 Archived in China

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Glad you didn't suffer any lost teeth or broken bones.

by Marian Brown

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