A Travellerspoint blog

Valentine's Day at the Langham Hotel

We had breakfast at Mo's which is a restaurant that has a lot of awards for "best breakfast" and such in the Hartford area.

Then, we left to go back to Owen's place.

By the time we got back to Newton, it was time to go to dinner downtown. We got all dressed up and went to various Irish themed pubs around the back bay area.

Then we had some delicious dinner and there was a super cheesy jazz band playing. Dinner was delicious but I thought that the atmosphere was pretty lame. However, I was not expecting something awesome and cool. People were just packed in there like sardines, it seemed strange.

The chocolate bar was pretty delicious but I was expecting more variety I guess. Maybe it was because so many people were eating it and they were always out, I dunno. There were flambed chocolate crepes, chocolate fondue, chocolate truffles, chocolate cake, it was really nice I thought, but still, over-hyped a little.

Posted by baixing 17:00 Archived in USA

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