A Travellerspoint blog

Leen's house

The next day. Petter said goodbye to us. Klara had already gone to work. We walked around on another path until 2 p.m. also killing time in some stores. My clothes came back remarkably clean and we headed off for Leen.s house in Trondheim. The train there was very beautiful but apparently we missed the best parts because it was dark.

Leen met us at the station and he made us dinner and then we went to a cool underground literally bar where we paid 10 euro for a beer. But it was really good beer. Complex you might say mmmmyyyyessss. *Dramatic twirl of mustache*

There are a lot of steep hills in Trondheim. But I lovve it anyway.

Skatepark by the lake

Skatepark by the lake

The lake

The lake

The lake and a pier

The lake and a pier

A beach

A beach

A church

A church

Me vs. Swedish fish

Me vs. Swedish fish

Train to Trondheim

Train to Trondheim

Me on train to Trondheim

Me on train to Trondheim



Hell close up

Hell close up



ahhhhhhhhhhh run away

ahhhhhhhhhhh run away

Me vs. Norwegian beer and Erwin

Me vs. Norwegian beer and Erwin

Posted by baixing 17:00 Archived in Norway

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