Strawberry Fields and MOMA
Today we woke up at 7 a.m. and had breakfast in our room (bagels). We took a tour with our tour guide, Scott. We went to Strawberry Fields, saw a mosaic dedicated to John Lennon, went to a cathdral and Chinatown. Then we went to 6th Ave. at Macy's and The Museum of Modern Art which was a lot of fun, there was this guy from Germany that did photomontages. Then we went to the United Nations which was boring. Then we walked to the Au bon pain. Amanda is getting so annoying, we went to go talk to this guy that edits music videos and he invited us to his house but we didn't go. Amanda was like, so retarded, she started to walk away and pretended to not know us. Then the bus driver took us to the Empire State building, it definitely wasn't as high as I remember it being, we were king of rushed through too. We walked to Times Square and shopped, I got a couple CDs and a mag from the UK. I saw a Pumpkins book but I didn't buy it and I saw Rob bought the same one. Shh, don't tell him I didn't but it, he still doesn't know, oh well... I'm going to bed now! Good night. Listening to my new CDs.