A Travellerspoint blog

Soho and the Today Show

Today we woke up at 6 a.m. as planned and we walked half an hour to the cathedral only to find church was cancelled (aww, too bad). To pass time, we went down to NBC studios and saw the Today Show live. After that, we took the city bus to the Whitney Museum of American Art. It was so awesome! The video art was the best! After an hour and a half of that, we took the subway to Soho and we ate at New Era Cafe and the Australian cashier told us where to get cool clothes. There was no room inside at the tables so we had to eat outside and people were looking at us like we were homeless. Then we went to those cool stores the cashier told us about. I got a shirt and a dress! On the subway back we met a Canadian guy in a kilt and he was really cool. We ate at the Hard Rock Cafe. (chicken breast). Guess there really wasn't one of Billy Corgan's guitars there. After that I got Ben and Jerry's Phish Food ice cream and we ate it in a small cafe. We walked to Licoln Centre and sat and talked for a while, then we went back to the hotel, packed up our bags and boarded the bus to go back home. :( Oh well, it was a great trip! The best one I've had so far. Too bad I didn't get to meet Zach though.

Posted by baixing 17:00 Archived in USA

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