A Travellerspoint blog

Rain rain rain

Today sucked. It rained. Our tent leaked. I was miserable and plotting different ways to run away. We went on a hike with the "Friends of Algonquin". It was boring. Did I mention it rained? So anyway, it stopped pouring at around 5 p.m. when we were canoeing. Cool. I was instantly hyper and outgoing! But the rest of the stupid people here weren't. So I had no one to play with. That is why I am now sitting on a bench under a pine tree covered in needles. Later on that night, we went for a night canoe and had a campfire on the beach. The park ranger let us because people were complaining that we were being too loud. It was sorta fun anyway. I got to do some astronomy a little bit.

Posted by baixing 17:00 Archived in Canada

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