A Travellerspoint blog

Lightning and gramaphones

Today we woke up at 7 a.m. and left for Swift Current at 8:30. TIRED! We stopped at a tourist place and took a picture of a big moose. Then we drove to Swift Current and picked up another Kelly at the mall. We ate lunch, I bought some stuf for mom (jelly and juice) and we drove to our campsite. It is HOT! Not humid, dry and hot. We set up our tents and I jumped in the creek. I figured out how to work the organ so I started playing it. I took a little nap, ate supper and then we went on a small hike and we saw actual cactuses and flowers. Then we walked to this old man's house and listened to his gramaphones. Then it started to rain and we attempted to make banana boats. The lightning is so cool. You can se huge lightning streaks everytime you look up. Very amazing.

Posted by baixing 17:00 Archived in Canada

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