Changing guest houses
14.02.2017 - 14.02.2017
Living in Guangdong
& Six weeks in Cambodia
on baixing's travel map.
I was supposed to take a boat to Koh Kong Island at eight, but it wasn't leaving because of "the weather". Later, someone else told me there just weren't enough people for the tour, so fine, but why lie about it? I rushed through breakfast and then they told me all that. So, thanks a lot guest house guy.
So, change of plans, I thought I'd rent a bike to cross the bridge to a temple over the river. Sorry the bikes all have flat tires. OK... so what about the wifi? Maybe I can just watch youtube all day. No... it's broken. Well, I'm just gonna leave then and you will know that it's your fault, because you can't fix a bike tire. OK bye.
I packed up all my stuff, annoyed. I had the idea I'd stay there for three days at least, so I was getting comfortable with the place already. Annoying. I walked down to the waterfront and found the tour company, to book my trip for the next day. He had some dorms, so I just stayed right there. My morale was so low at that point, I just wanted to enjoy the empty dorm for a while. That's what I did until a lively British woman came in named Lottie, she motivated me to go rent a bike with her. We went to the temple (which didn't have any statues of hellish torture, as promised in the Lonely Planet) Disappointed, we headed down to Koh Kong beach. It really was full of litter and gross, but we had our beers and watched the sunset there.
Lottie had a Skype date with her boyfriend, so I left her for an hour to have dinner at Wood House, of course. I went with another German lady, to find dinner. I had some sweet sticky rice and then we had some noodles with Lottie when she was finished her date.
A strange drunk Khmer man had followed me there and he entertained us for a while. We walked home in the dark, promising to eat squid at his restaurant the next day.