A Travellerspoint blog

Finally unpacked!

OMG, I am so glad it's all over. Yellowknife totally blew, but I'm super happy to be in Inuvik, where I am master of my own domain.

Kira picked me up at the airport and basically, she's like a northern version of Andrea, I think we will get along. She helped me carry my boxes up the giant staircase, even though we both almost died doing it.

Two out of three of my boxes broke, the ones that weren't "real" Rubbermaid. So there you have it folks. It is a name brand for a reason. Rubbermaid works, even in the high Arctic. There are no imitations.

I only lost a couple of things out of the crack in the bottom of the box, and those three things would've been very useful. A webcam, a power bar type thing and a vegetable peeler. I guess I'll call the airline later to see if they kept them...

As I arrived at the airport, Andrew, who I am replacing, was literally leaving. So the apartment he told me, was supposedly empty. When we got here, there was a mass of boxes everywhere and a bunch of clothes from this Katie May person, who worked there before Andrew. Turns out she was a little bit bigger than me, so I actually kept some of her clothes. She had a few sweet pairs of pants and some nice jackets that she left behind.

I love the landscape up here, and the architecture, etc. etc. It is very much like Iqaluit except there is a road, a more "bustly" atmosphere and trees. This is what I came for.

I called my couchsurfing friend Alexa to see what she was up to and said that we should have dinner tonight.

So, I went to buy groceries to make a veggie stew. It set me back $25. The prices are not as bad as Iqaluit, and there are trees outside my window instead of tundra. I'd say that's a win.

Everywhere I go, people always say that they love my pink fur. They have never seen fox dyed like that before they say. I can't tell if that's a compliment or not.

Inuvik airport

Inuvik airport

Haha, it didn't work

Haha, it didn't work

The vegetable truck

The vegetable truck

My living room

My living room

My kitchen

My kitchen

My bedroom

My bedroom

Posted by baixing 17:00 Archived in Canada

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