A Travellerspoint blog

My introduction to Saskatchewanese hospitality

OK, so here I am in Whitehorse.

I showed up at the truck stop and Gavin picked me up at 8 p.m. on the dot. I hugged Gladys, Bill's lady friend and left. When I got there, it was the cleanest boy house I had ever seen. Four boys live here, but you can't tell. The living room was spacious and I immediately felt relaxed and chilled out. Gavin handed me a beer and we waited for his friends to go out on the town. It was disco night at the Capital, there was a woman in black face... we had some in depth conversations.

Mongoose vs. Snake

Mongoose vs. Snake

Snake in the grass

Snake in the grass

Snake in the grass

Snake in the grass

Snake in the grass

Snake in the grass

Me vs. white cranberry

Me vs. white cranberry

Jayden took this

Jayden took this

Posted by baixing 17:00 Archived in Canada

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