Might as well look for a job...
This morning, I called the Greyhound station and the manager told me that I could change the date on my ticket no problem. So the trip to the cabin is a go!
Well, I had nothing to do until Friday, so I decided to go job hunting.
Gavin had mentioned a job at Yukon College for ESL teachers, so I went over there first. Sean said that I should stop in the Yukon Brewery, where they give tours and free samples, so I went there second.
Jayden showed up at the brewery just as we were done and gave me a ride to the depot.
I picked up copies of my resume, more clothes, food and my bathingsuit and then headed out to randomly dispense resumes.
The guy at the Greyhound station also found me a job, distributing shampoo to hair salons? Or something? He took my resume and faxed it over to his friend who had just been talking to him about how hard it was to find someone to take the place of the lady who just left.
That sounded cool, so if that works out, that would be awesome.
I found a guy who does canoe trips in the summer, and he seemed genuinely happy to see me. Perhaps I can be a canoe tripper this spring/summer and then head to California in the winter... who knows...
More resumes were dispersed, and then I saw Peter wandering around downtown and he gave me a ride back home.
We immediately went back out for wing night at Kopper Korner, a classic Yukon bar, dark and dingy, right next to a big ol' gas station.
It was determined that none of us at wing night stole the skirts.