A Travellerspoint blog

Barstow Station

Man this place is a cheesy tourist's delight.

I guess in the past it was a train station. Now it's full of knick knacks and cheesy things, including a McDonald's in a passenger train car.

It's popular because it's exactly half way between Las Vegas and Los Angeles.

Welcome to Barstow Station!

Welcome to Barstow Station!

The ravenous crowd!

The ravenous crowd!

McDonald's in a train car

McDonald's in a train car

Somewhere in between LA and LV

Somewhere in between LA and LV

Somewhere in between LA and LV

Somewhere in between LA and LV

Somewhere in between LA and LV

Somewhere in between LA and LV

Somewhere in between LA and LV

Somewhere in between LA and LV

Somewhere in between LA and LV

Somewhere in between LA and LV

Somewhere in between LA and LV

Somewhere in between LA and LV

Posted by baixing 17:00 Archived in USA

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