A Travellerspoint blog

Getting to the cottage

Sooooo I woke up really late and got to Shylo's cottage in the early afternoon.

Their cottage is on a very narrow gravel road that has some pretty steep hills, so I randomly stopped somewhere on the road and gave up. Just as I was getting off the bike and deciding what to do next, Shylo's mom drove up in her big red truck. She told me walking to the cottage would have been pretty far, especially with all my gear and stuff, so she dropped me off.

They had already been there for most of the morning, they woke up at 4 a.m. or something to beat the traffic.

It was great to see Ms. Pruyn once again. Last time I saw her was my last trip to Halifax about three/four years ago!

Everyone else arrived a few hours later, including Shylo's cousin Karen, with her giant dog, Carter. Carter seemed like a nice enough animal, until I went to the outhouse. When I emerged from the bushes, I think I frightened him, and all of a sudden he started attacking me, biting me once, softly, then harder, and then REALLY HARD right below my bum! It hurt really bad and I kind of laughed it off, until a few hours later I actually saw it, a big giant bruise in the shape of a perfect rectangle right at the top of my thigh. Holy schniekies.

Anywho, after that incident, we had a campfire and then I went skinny dipping in the lake late at night. It took me a while to get psyched up. The water was pitch black and the mist on the lake was swirling. I shone the flashlight into the bushes on the other side, convinced something was watching me. Eventually, I counted to three, took a deep breath and jumped in! Ahhhhhhhhhhh awesome.

Posted by baixing 17:00 Archived in Canada

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