A Travellerspoint blog

The Tsingtao

In the morning, I am starving and take the bus as close as I can to what seems to be Beer Street. On my way there, I find a Chinese bakery and get whatever it is the girl in front of me ordered. OMG, so hungry, the cake is so good.

I feel guilty that I never went to the Tsingtao factory. So at 9:30 in the morning, there I am, standing in front of it. In the Lonely Planet, it says that you should try and find some rare "dark" Tsingtao and it gives you the Chinese name for it. So, I go around asking everyone where I can find this. Finally, an old man suddenly takes a pitcher and runs somewhere with my 40 yuan. I'm not sure if he will come back, but other people tell me to sit down, and wouldn't you know it, there he is again with the pitcher, full to the top. Apparently, you can't just buy one glass.

So there I am, all alone in the bright sunny morning, downing a pitcher of strong beer in a Chinese version of a German beer garden, with plastic flowers and a strange shimmery decorations, watching the early commuters make their way to work. It was probably the best way to experience Beer Street, I think.

After I finished that, I tried not to fall into the squat toilets, made it, and from there, it was about time to catch the ferry again. I walked there, hoping I'd find a place to eat on the way. I didn't find any. I'm still starving. I checked in to the ferry way early and asked the ticket lady if there was anywhere to eat around there. She shrugged her shoulders, giggled and just said "I don't knowwwwwww".

Great. I'm still starving from yesterday. So, I just pick a direction and walk toward what I think is downtown. I find a little blue collar-esque lunch cafe place and order whatever it is that will add up to the 50 yuan I have left to spend in my wallet. That is, a bunch of dumplings, some satay and some celery/bean/intestine salad. Yeah you read that right, CELERY BEAN INTESTINE SALAD. Suprisingly DELICOUS!

What I really wanted this whole time, was to find some beer that I could buy from out of a bag! Finally I found it at this tiny venue, but I was already drunk from the pitcher I drank! Crap! The best I could do was take a picture of it, for you, my dear readers. Next time I go to China, I will find beer in a bag and then drink it and take a picture of myself doing so, as is usual and as is what you have come to expect from me. My sincere apologies.

Back on the boat, I fall asleep. And I sleep and sleep and sleep. In customs, I saw my old kidnapster friends again, but I left them behind after I got on the shuttle to the ferry. I was TIRED.

Byebye China!

Byebye China!

Morning cake

Morning cake

Beer street

Beer street

Beer street

Beer street

Tsingtao brewery

Tsingtao brewery

These are all over the sidewalks

These are all over the sidewalks

A typical Chinese store

A typical Chinese store

Chinese store

Chinese store

Market (smelled baddddd)

Market (smelled baddddd)

Me vs. fresh Tsingtao

Me vs. fresh Tsingtao

German-Chinese beer garden

German-Chinese beer garden

Me vs. beer street

Me vs. beer street

Another leafy street

Another leafy street

On my way to the ferry

On my way to the ferry

Just some streets

Just some streets

Just some more streets

Just some more streets

Me vs. intestines (???)

Me vs. intestines (???)

Me vs. satay

Me vs. satay

Me vs. dumplings

Me vs. dumplings

FINALLY I found the beer in a bag...

FINALLY I found the beer in a bag...

Weidong ferry

Weidong ferry

Sunset on the deck

Sunset on the deck

Posted by baixing 17:00 Archived in South Korea

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