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Furongzhen doesn't have any tofu

So I got to Furongzhen in the late afternoon and explored what was there in a couple of hours. It was relatively the same feeling at Fenghuang except really run down and not as pretty. Probably because it was January and all the hibiscuses were dead.

I climbed to the top of the one hill in town and some kids followed me and tried to say something to me in Chinese.

This city was the scene of a famous movie called "Hibiscus Town" about a woman who is a capitalist and sells delicious tofu to the people who live there, defying the wishes of the communist leaders. All I wanted to do was eat some tofu in a bowl like in the movie, but I couldn't find any. I settled for tofu on a stick from a street vendor. Then, I found a cheap hotel on the way back to the bus station and stayed there for the night. Since nothing was really grabbing my attention here, I decided to take the bus in the morning back home.

Dead hibiscuses

Dead hibiscuses

Town square

Town square

Town square

Town square

Me vs. Furongzhen

Me vs. Furongzhen

Guy is drinking blood

Guy is drinking blood

The river is dried up

The river is dried up



Furongzhen sunset

Furongzhen sunset

Looks like Fenghuang but grosser

Looks like Fenghuang but grosser



From the top

From the top

From the top of Furongzhen

From the top of Furongzhen

Me vs. deep fried buns

Me vs. deep fried buns

60 RMB = $10 !

60 RMB = $10 !

60 RMB = $10 !

60 RMB = $10 !

Posted by baixing 17:00 Archived in China

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