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Dragon Boat Races with Couchsurfers

In the morning, Lisa asked me to wait for the other couchsurfers while she took her daughter to English class. Eventually, the French couple arrived and Lisa didn't end up going anyway. Mary and Antoine were going to the Dragon Boat Races, so they brought me along. It was a really hot day, but it was definitely worth seeing. Lisa drove us in her car and she treated us to dim sum for lunch before the race. On the way back, we were all exhausted. I had a shower and felt a whole lot better and I giggled nonsense about yesterday's ridiculousness, but no one could really understand my stories. We went for dinner and started out in this very interesting gentrified village. Something like this could never happen in Canada. Lisa said some Hong Kong developers bought the whole area for a lot of money and now they rent it to upscale restaurateurs. If only this could happen naturally without the monopolistic undertones. But, it's because of the monopoly that it provides a genuine feeling of escape for the city-dweller in Foshan. We didn't stay here after all, it was too busy. We went to a great Cantonese restaurant instead, which I liked better than the faux-western food on order in the village anyway.

Me vs. dim sum

Me vs. dim sum

Me, Mary and Antoine

Me, Mary and Antoine

Entrance to the park

Entrance to the park

Dragon Boat Race

Dragon Boat Race

Lisa and her daughter

Lisa and her daughter







Me vs. Cantonese

Me vs. Cantonese

Lisa's husband, daughter and Antoine

Lisa's husband, daughter and Antoine



Chinese people on the sleeper car

Chinese people on the sleeper car

Posted by baixing 17:00 Archived in China

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