A Travellerspoint blog

Skiing in August!

I met Rachel's friend Lisa, Rowan and Pravin downtown at 4 p.m. After dinner at the Hare Krishna, I ate so many beans and rice that I thought I was going to explode.

We drove and drove and drove and got to Mt. Hotham resort at about 10 p.m. Lisa tried to make me wear a dragon onesie, but I refused. However, I took a video of everyone else in theirs.

I wasn't very impressed with the accommodations and I don't require very much. I paid about $115 per night and I guess I expected something a little more lush. All I got for that was a top bunk in a room with seven other people. Thumbs down.

So that kind of threw me off right from the beginning.

Rachel's beautiful balcony

Rachel's beautiful balcony

Giant parking garage

Giant parking garage

State Library

State Library

Me vs. Hare Krishna food

Me vs. Hare Krishna food

Posted by baixing 17:00 Archived in Australia

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