A Travellerspoint blog

The train to Sydney

I woke up early to leave for the train station, said goodbye to Rachel, and promptly forgot my umbrella at her house. Sad face. Luckily for me, it didn't rain anymore after that anyway. I will need to get me a Chinese umbrella as soon as I get to Changsha, I don't think the climate is as great there. The highlight of the train trip was when I saw one lone wild kangaroo galloping (??) through the fields beside our train. After that it was just about me eating pitas, eggplant dip and dates, while being asked a million questions by the retired high school teacher beside me. When I got to Sydney, I took the bus straight to Kelsey's house, it was easy to find and she was home waiting for me with her roommate Sophie and her dog, Elliot. (A rottweiler/dalmation, if you can believe it) I was sleepy and couldn't keep my eyes open as they were watching an episode of Eureka on the computer. I went to sleep after that and slept in her new roommate's room! She had gone on vacation to a wedding, so she let me sleep in her comfy bed.

Me on the train

Me on the train

The train to Sydney

The train to Sydney

Posted by baixing 17:00 Archived in Australia

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