A Travellerspoint blog

Marketing and DIY T-shirts

Kelsey took me around the city at various markets. Most of which were overpriced, but I ended up getting a deal on a bunch of bras at Paddy's Markets. Just what I need in the land of the small-chested. (No offence, Chinese ladies, but if you start selling clothes my size, I will stop complaining). I hadn't seen Kelsey in more than 10 years, and she had changed into quite the militant cyclist and vegan revolutionary-type! I didn't realize this, but it was neat seeing all the cool things she was up to.

The next day, she was helping out at a drop-in bike workshop type thing at the local market. One of her friends came over to make a t-shirt for the workshop with their group's logo on it. I wanted in on this too, so I jumped at the chance to emblazon the image on one of my shirts as well. It was my first time screen printing and I always wanted to try it. So fun. Saturday night, we had vegan Indian food with real pappadums and some Australian political conversation. I don't know why, but I passed out for like, an hour on a chair. There was a nice pillow right beside my elbow, so it must've been that. Totally not the gin and tonics.



Me and Kelsey on the bus

Me and Kelsey on the bus



Put the paint on the screen

Put the paint on the screen

Smooth it over the design

Smooth it over the design



and DONE

and DONE

The vegan Indian dinner

The vegan Indian dinner

Posted by baixing 17:00 Archived in Australia

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