A Travellerspoint blog

No more Howard, mmmkay?

In the morning, Howard thankfully had to go to work. He made us breakfast of tea and toast, and then Amy and I played with the dog until he got back.

I was completely exhausted by this man. At one point we were talking about my parents and he asked if I lived at home with them whenever I went back to Canada. I said yes and then he followed that up with "So you're not ready to cut the umbilical cord yet, eh???"

What the actual.... I was speechless and stared right into his cold dead eyes, uncomprehending his brain processes.

"No, actually I have two of my own houses in Ottawa, but there are always tenants living in them."

He immediately backpedalled and changed his mind about my obvious reliant tendencies. I told him my age, and he didn't believe it. Wow. After thoroughly insulting me, Howard went to work.

Amy and I spent a relaxing morning with the doggie and we talked about more interesting things without insulting each other or making some lame sexual innuendo comment at all! Imagine that. When Howard came back we went out for lunch at the university cafeteria and headed over to the musem. Howard had invited his friend who has a new baby to the museum. They picked us up, but the car was too full for everyone, so I walked with a couple of Chinese students to the museum. It was about a 10 minute walk, nobody needed to be picked up at all.

While we were waiting with them for the car, one of the students asked why I didn't have any babies. I said I have no interest in that and besides, I'm too old to have them now anyway.

Howard to the rescue! He just HAD to pipe in and say "NO! YOU ARE NOT! YOU COULD HAVE AS MANY BABIES AS YOU WANT!"

Well... that wasn't my point, and I'm not interested in that anyway, so... what the *#&(*$# are you talking about you blathering idiot?

Finally the car came and I was not about to get in with him, no matter how short the ride was. As I was walking away with the students (who both happened to be male) Howard implied that I wanted a "boy for each arm", and that that was the reason why I didn't want to ride in the car with them. Actually, I couldn't stand to be near him anymore.

In the museum Young, one of the students, and I went through the museum and avoided Howard the whole time. It was so uncomfortable, I just wanted to go home at this point.

Howard's friend Terry and his wife Annie suggested that they could drive me to the train station after we had dinner, so I agreed because I wanted to try the famous Taiyuan vinegar noodles. They ordered a feast and paid for everything.

On the way to the bus station, I was about to die from nausea. Howard had gotten hold of Annie's baby and was creepily saying things like "Oh you're a beautiful girl, you're the most beautiful girl in the world" and blahblahblah. I'm not gonna say he was fondling the poor thing, but it might has well have been. I wanted to barf all over the leather interior of the new BMW.

"Howard she's terrified," I said as the baby started crying, and then he gave the baby back. He thought it was due to his unshaved face and I rolled my eyes, got out of the car and ran onto the train. Glad it was all over.

There always must be a show

There always must be a show

Famous quail bronzeware

Famous quail bronzeware

The quail

The quail



Some amazing frescoes

Some amazing frescoes

Top of the museum

Top of the museum

Top of the museum

Top of the museum

Posted by baixing 17:00 Archived in China

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